Additional Services
As a comprehensive, integrative clinic we are thrilled to offer a number of services to our patients. We carefully research and select therapies and products that complement chiropractic care to support your healing and wellness. Contact us to learn more or schedule!
EPAT ShockwaveShockwave is an innovative approach to treating chronic muscle and tendon problems. A large radial pressure wave is used to jumpstart the healing process of chronic or acute tendon, or bursa problems by destroying the scar tissue and helping it heal itself. It stimulates this neurochemical reaction that helps reset your pain patterns, like an analgesic so to speak, and the cells become more permeable. That means that it allows new growth factors and collagen to enter the cells, and it helps essentially, build back brand new, elastic tissue.
Functional MedicineAvailable with Dr. Jessica! Visit the Functional Medicine section above to learn more.
Functional Medicine is a patient-centered approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues, rather than just treating symptoms, by considering the whole person—body, mind, and environment. Sports PhysicalsWe are authorized by the state of MN to provide sports eligibility physicals.
NutritionNavigating the vitamin aisle at the local pharmacy can be extremely confusing. We take nutrition seriously as we do believe that the most powerful tool in healthcare is the fork! Our office offers top quality. GMP certified supplements to help support the body naturally through a variety of health conditions.
Our office is pleased to announce that we also offer the ChiroThin doctor-supervised weight loss clinic method. |
AcupunctureBoth Dr. Kelly and Dr. Jessica are certified to perform acupuncture services. Acupuncture is a service we only provide to patients that already under our care or the care of another chiropractor.
Conditions we commonly treat include lower back pain, tennis elbow, sinus headache, migraine, and any chronic pain condition. Cold Laser TherapyCold laser uses a laser diode to help the body decrease inflammation and pain. It is often used to accelerate healing time for sprains, strains, plantar fasciitis, arthritic pain, neuropathy or other joint pain. Cold laser is called "cold" because it does not heat or cut body tissue. This is a non-invasive therapy.
Dry NeedlingDry needling involves the insertion of thin needles, similar to acupuncture needles, into specific points on the body, known as trigger points or myofascial trigger points. These trigger points are believed to be hyperirritable spots within tight bands of muscle that can cause pain and restrict movement.
Unlike acupuncture, which is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and aims to rebalance the flow of energy (qi) along meridians in the body, dry needling is based on Western medicine principles. The insertion of the needles is intended to stimulate the underlying tissues, muscles, and nerves to produce a therapeutic effect. Dr. Mauren and Dr. Ryan specialize in dry needling. Manual TherapiesEach of doctors can use a Chinese Medicine technique called Gua Sha, as appropriate for patients. This is similar to Graston technique for breaking down soft tissue adhesion or chronic tendonosis. We also offer cupping services.
Red Light TherapyOur clinic offers advanced Red Light (R+) and Near-Infrared Light (NIR+) therapy, both of which are integral to photobiomodulation (PBM) and low-level light therapy (LLLT). These therapies provide a variety of health benefits, including:
Red Light (R+) Therapy (630nm & 660nm)
Near-Infrared Light (NIR+) Therapy (810nm, 830nm, 850nm)
Experience the transformative effects of R+ and NIR+ therapy for enhanced health and wellness at our clinic! We're proud to offer the most cutting edge and deeply penetrating red light therapy on the market with the Platinum Biomax LED series. This therapy is best enjoyed with as much bare skin as possible. Our full body sized panels are 24x72 inches and can be enjoyed with our horizonal mount laying down or while sitting or stretching in its vertical mount position. Our panels are unique in that each light spectrum is emitted at variable specific outputs for best therapeutic benefit. Dutch TestingAvailable with Dr. Kelly!
Text or call 763-972-3447 to chat or schedule a consult to inquire. |