Massage Therapy Techniques
It's our goal to meet our patient's needs and not everyone looks for the same thing in a massage. We offer a variety of techniques and sub specialties with our therapist on staff. You can schedule a massage using our scheduling link above.
Pricing is as follows:
30 minute session $60 plus tax
60 minute session $100 pus tax
90 minute session $150 plus tax
Hot Stone/Cold Stone Massage has a $10 charge to add on any duration and must be scheduled ahead of time
Pricing is as follows:
30 minute session $60 plus tax
60 minute session $100 pus tax
90 minute session $150 plus tax
Hot Stone/Cold Stone Massage has a $10 charge to add on any duration and must be scheduled ahead of time
Swedish/Relaxation MassageRelaxation massage is all about relaxing. It focuses on giving you time to recover from the stresses of daily life. When you experience relaxation massage, you can expect a treatment that involves a treatment that is designed to soothe and relax you, not to relieve chronic pain or other underlying ailments.
Deep Tissue MassageDeep tissue massage targets the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. We use slower strokes or friction techniques across the grain of the muscle. Deep tissue massage is used for chronically tight or painful muscles, repetitive strain, postural problems, or recovery from injury. People often feel sore for one to two days after deep tissue massage.
Craniosacral Therapy Craniosacral therapy or CST is done exclusively by Beth. The therapy is fully clothed. It uses a light touch to influence the body’s connective tissue or “fascia.” Fascia is a body white connective network that covers organs, muscle, glands, nerves, vessels and the brain and spinal cord. CST focuses on creating intentional movement in that network to allow for stress to be reduced in the body systems. It has been used successfully in children and adults alike. We see exceptional benefits in our patients that have undergone oral tie release or in babies with plagiocephaly (flat head). Headache patients also do especially well with CST.
Hot/Cold Stone TherapyHot Stone Therapy:
Heated, smooth stones are placed on certain points on the body to warm and loosen tight muscles and balance energy centers in the body. The stones may also be used to apply gentle pressure. The warmth is comforting. Hot stone massage is good for people who have muscle tension but prefer lighter massage. Cold Stone Therapy: This method is new to the stone massage industry. The cold method is by placing the stone in the refrigerator or freezer depending upon when treatment will be done. Once the stone is at the correct temperature, it is placed on the correct pressure point for accurate results. This therapy gets even better results when used with hot stone therapy. |
ReflexologyReflexology is offered exclusively by Mikayla and can be incorporated into any massage session with her or done as a standalone session. Reflexology is a form of alternative medicine and massage that involves applying pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb and finger techniques. Reflexologists say this can help treat physical, emotional, and spiritual problems. What are the benefits of reflexology? It's been linked to many potential benefits such as reducing stress and anxiety, reducing pain, lifting mood, improving general well-being, boosting their immune system, fighting cancer, getting over colds and bacterial infections, clearing up sinus issues, recovering from back problems, correcting hormonal imbalances, easing arthritis pain—and more!